Holy Name Society

The St. Therese Holy Name Society promotes Catholic action among the men of the parish, and instills in them the desire to exemplify the teachings of Christ through His Church, thus paying honor to His Holy Name. The members serve the pastor and the parish in whatever capacity they are called upon.

All men of the parish are members of this organization. Active members are those who attend the monthly meetings and participate in the projects sponsored by the Society. Inactive membership includes all other men of the parish who are unable to take part in the activities of the organization.

Meetings are open to all men of the parish and are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 pm in Church Undercroft.

The St. Therese Holy Name Society began in 19?? and has sponsored many activities over the years, including the Men's Stag, Boy Scout Troop 751 and Cub Scout Pack 751, and scholarships to St. Therese 8th grade students attending Catholic High Schools.


President: Fred Espenscheid 859.781.5431

Vice President: Ron Bertsch Sr 859.581.5790

Treasurer: Pete Bartels 859.441.7880

Secretary: Butch Schneider 859.781.4848

Holy Name Pledge

Blessed be God.

Blessed be His Holy Name.

Blessed be Jesus Christ, True God and true man.

Blessed be the Name of Jesus.

I believe, O Jesus - that Thou art the Christ - the Son of the Living God.

I proclaim my love - for the Vicar of Christ on Earth.

I believe all the sacred truths - which the Holy Catholic Church - believes and teaches.

I promise to give good example - by the regular practice - of my faith.

In honor of his Divine Name - I pledge myself against perjury - blasphemy - profanity - and obscene speech.

I pledge my loyalty - to the flag of my country - and to the God - given principles - of freedom, justice, and happiness - for which it stands.

I pledge my support - to all lawful authority - both civil and religious.

I dedicate my manhood (myself) - to the honor of the sacred name of Jesus Christ - and beg that He will keep me faithful - to those pledges - until death.